Camera Microscopy HD model XCA 5MP
Sensor:1-2.8” Sony Cmos Sensor
Resolution:3264 x 1836 (6 megapixels)
Image Acquisition details:Truecolor, two high-speed FPGA chipsets
Key Features:On/Off, all the rest of features are available through the ON-BOARD software.
External Ports:HDMI, USB, SD-Card
SD-Card:Images: 3264 x 1836, Video: 1280 x 720
HDMI Resolution:1920 x 1080, 30fps
USB Resolution:1920 x 1080, 1280 x 720, 30fps
USB Driver:Driver free
System requirements:HDMI, Windows XP, Vista, Win7, Win8, 32 / 64 bit
Software:Optika Vision Lite, Optika IsView
USB Capture features:Resolution. Brightness. Contrast. Tonality. Saturation. Gamma. White Balance.
HDMI features:Cross. Black/white. Contrast. Sharpness. Saturation.Brightness. Gamma. Image mirror. Image browse. Zoom. Image compare. Image flip. Image mask.
Power supply:12V 2000mA
C-mount-C-short mount:Yes
Calibration slide 76x24mm micrometric calibration slide.
Accessories included:2GB SD-Card. cable. CD-Rom
Branch: 14 Fawzy Soliman St., From El Haram St., Giza, Egypt P.O.Box: 127 Giza, Egypt Code:12515 |